Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion
At DataITCloud, we believe that to realize our mission truly, we must have a deep commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion and be anti-racist in how we operate as an organization and approach our work.
We believe systemic racism keeps us from fully realizing our mission as today’s societal challenges are rooted in systemic discrimination and disproportionately affect people along racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic lines.
When communities are not involved in decisions that directly impact them, adverse outcomes can cause additional harm, costing resources such as money and time wasted. DataITCloud is actively becoming an anti-racist organization, both in how we operate our organization and partner with communities.
We at DataITCloud work alongside communities to address challenges such as multigenerational poverty, housing stability, workforce, economic mobility, physical and mental health, and the systems that prevent equitable access and deliver services that lead to disproportionate outcomes.
We are working very hard to foster an environment that embraces inclusion. Decision-making processes are focused on an equity approach that ensures resources are well managed to meet the needs of marginalized communities.
Elevating Diverse Perspectives
We at DataITCloud value and respect all kind of diversities such as.
- Ethnicity
- Race
- National Origin
- Ability
- Class
- Faith, Age
- Gender Identity
- Sexual Orientation, and
- Experience
Through diverse perspective, DatITCloud has been able to achieve the following:
- Better solutions
- Superior and comfortable work environment
We aim to create lasting social change using our privileged position while benefiting from the experience we gain from the communities to improve in the areas we may be lag.
Fostering an Inclusive Environment
We at DataITCloud are focused on building a diverse team through constant engagement with community members in different projects we are undertaking daily. To create a diverse background and perspectives in the company, we constantly seek to establish an inclusive and collaborative environment with our employees, clients, and community members by creating opportunities to help them participate in decision-making processes and prosper as we prosper.
We at DataITCloud Embrace an Equity-Centered Approach
We understand the importance and the need for the people in positions of power and privilege to eradicate any system that functions by excluding and oppressing others. This is because racial and ethnic minorities have less access to the resources, services, and opportunities that are required to thrive in life. We focus on ensuring resources are distributed in an equity-centered approach to raise tough questions and address the structures that disadvantage certain people, especially minorities.
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